CNN Basics Explained: Beginner’s Guide

A simple introduction to convolution neural network

Ransaka Ravihara
6 min readFeb 13, 2024
Photo by Tim Navis on Unsplash


When learning convolutional neural networks, there are a bunch of buzzwords to clarify. In this reading, I will simplify those as much as I can. After reading this, you’ll learn what convolution is, different types of convolution operations, and how to apply convolution in actual use cases. Finally, you will build a convolutional auto-encoder as well.

Prerequisites I — Understanding dot product

In convolutional neural networks, aka CNNs, basic operations are mostly dot products between two matrices. Hence, understanding dot product is necessary to comprehend convolution operations, which we will learn in later sections. As an example, assume we have below two matrices.

The dot product of these two metrics can be calculated below two steps.

Element-wise dot-product

Understanding convolution operation

